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What is acne and how to treat it?


Acne is one of the most common skin conditions, affecting more than 50 million people each year. It's not just a cosmetic problem: acne can lead to serious physical and psychological consequences, such as permanent scarring, decreased self-esteem, and even the development of depression or anxiety disorders.

What is acne?

Acne, or pimples, are caused by abnormalities in the hormonal system or improper functioning of the skin. Normally, the sebaceous glands produce a secret that moisturizes the skin and protects it from harmful external influences. However, if there is a failure in this system, hair follicles can be clogged with dead cells, which leads to inflammation of the glands and the formation of pimples.

Pimples most often appear on the face, back and chest. At a more mature age, their occurrence may be associated with endocrine disorders, liver disease or problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Experts also note that the appearance of acne can contribute to hormonal fluctuations (for example, during pregnancy), the beginning or discontinuation of oral contraceptives, hereditary predisposition, taking certain medications and the use of comedogenic cosmetics.

Why does acne appear?

There is no single reason for the appearance of pimples, as their occurrence is associated with a complex of internal processes in the body.

Hormonal changes

During puberty, the sebaceous glands begin to actively produce more sebum, which provokes inflammation and the formation of pimples. Heredity also plays an important role: if one or both of your parents had acne problems, the likelihood of you having acne increases significantly. Hormonal fluctuations, such as the menstrual cycle in women, can also cause acne.

Physical pressure

Constant pressure on the skin due to wearing tight clothing, helmet chin strap, backpack straps or bra straps can lead to acne at the points of contact.


Certain medications such as corticosteroids, birth control pills, or anticonvulsants can cause acne to develop.


Although diet in general does not have a strong effect on the appearance of acne, there is evidence that avoiding dairy products and a low glycemic index diet helps reduce acne symptoms in some people.

Types of pimples

Sometimes it seems that one pimple on the face is not a problem and can be easily dealt with. However, for effective treatment, it is important to understand exactly what type of acne you are facing. Understanding this nuance is the first step towards healthy skin.


The most common type of acne, often appearing during puberty. Comedones come in two types: open and closed. Open comedones are the same «black dots» that form when pores are left open and their contents oxidize in the air, becoming darker in color. Closed comedones are white bumps on the skin. Unlike black dots, their surface is covered with a thin layer of skin, which prevents contact with air and preserves the white color.


Papules are small subcutaneous inflammations without purulent contents, appearing as red nodules. They can cause pain and discomfort.


More commonly known as «pustules». Pustules are red inflamed masses with white pus-like contents in the center. When pressed or traumatized, they may ooze liquid pus.


Nodules are dense subcutaneous nodules visible on the surface of the skin. They are often dark red or purple in color and can cause severe pain and itching.


The most complex and painful type of acne. Cysts form when several inflamed nodules merge under the skin, creating large, painful masses. They often result in scarring or indentations in the skin.

Infant acne

This type of acne occurs in newborns and does not require treatment. Infant acne appears in response to maternal hormones and usually goes away on its own after some time.

Stages of acne

Treatment methods for acne depend on the severity of the condition. Cosmetologists distinguish four stages of acne development:

  • Mild. A small number of black and white comedones (up to 20 pieces) and a greasy sheen of the skin.
  • Medium. From 10 to 20 acne, accompanied by a red inflamed rash.
  • Severe. About 40 inflamed acne, deep and painful formations, oily sheen of the skin.
  • Very severe. Painful nodules that transform into cysts and can leave scars.

Depending on the stage of acne, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics to relieve inflammation or hormonal drugs if a hormonal imbalance is detected. In addition to medication, it is important to establish proper skin care.

Basic recommendations for skin care at home

Skin cleansing. Wash your face or shower twice a day. Over-cleaning acne-prone skin can only increase irritation and worsen the situation. 

Choice of care products. Use cosmetics and products that do not clog pores and do not provoke acne. Pay attention to special markings on the packaging, such as:

  • “Won't clog pores”.
  • “Non-comedogenic.”
  • “Non-acnegenic.”
  • “Oil-free”.

Acne prone skin care recommendations

Avoid contact with acne. Do not touch pimples with your hands or try to squeeze them out. While it may seem like the fastest way to get rid of them, squeezing actually leads to increased inflammation and worse skin conditions.

Take care of the entire acne-prone area. Use cosmetic gels and scrubs not only on the inflamed areas, but on the entire acne-prone area. This will not only help treat existing rashes, but also prevent new ones from appearing.

Clean items that come in contact with your skin. Regularly wash items that come in contact with acne-prone skin, such as shirt collars, bedding, scarves, and hats. These surfaces accumulate bacteria, dead cells and dirt that can clog pores and cause inflammation.

Be careful with home methods. Despite popular myths, home remedies and folk medicine are most often ineffective or even harmful in treating acne. However, some natural ingredients, such as zinc and tea tree oil, can actually be included in cosmetic products to help manage and prevent acne.

Time Laser treatment of acne (LUMENIS) Price
40 min
Laser treatment of the face
200 zł
40 min
Laser treatment face + neck
257 zł
40 min
Laser treatment for the back 371 zł
50 min
Laser treatment upper back 257 zł
40 min
Laser treatment of the buttock 285 zł
50 min
Laser treatment of the décolletage 285 zł
40 min
Laser treatment of the shoulders 300 zł
40 min Laser treatment for the lower back 200 zł
20 min Laser treatment locally 114 zł
Time Laser treatment of acne (Lumenis) + ampoule of your choice (non-injection mesotherapy) Price
50 min Laser treatment face with ampoule 271 zł
50 min
Laser treatment face and neck with ampoule
342 zł
50 min Laser back treatment with ampoule
428 zł
50 min Laser treatment upper back with ampulla
314 zł
50 min Laser treatment buttocks with ampoule
342 zł
60 min Laser treatment of décolleté with ampoule
342 zł
50 min
Laser shoulder treatment with ampoule
385 zł
50 min Laser treatment of the lower back with ampoule
271 zł
25 min Laser treatment with ampoule (topical)
185 zł
  • The duration of the treatment for each zone is based on consultation
  • Consultation - free of charge

Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Hair Removal:

❤️ On which zones (areas) is laser hair removal performed?

✨Does laser hair removal remove ingrown hairs?

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