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Massages in Warsaw

Massage not only improves appearance but also has therapeutic effects. It contributes to body contour correction, eliminates unwanted "orange peel" skin, and improves skin condition. Special massage techniques positively affect health by enhancing blood circulation, improving overall well-being, and speeding up body recovery.

At the Laser Cosmetic Center "Laserhouse" in Warsaw, a wide range of massage procedures is offered. All sessions are conducted by professional massage therapists.


Massage has a comprehensive effect on the body as it affects the skin, muscle tissues, nerve fibers, blood circulation, and lymphatic system, as well as the subcutaneous layer. As a result of physical influence on these elements, blood circulation improves, and microcirculation stabilizes. This also accelerates metabolism and promotes the active elimination of toxins through the lymphatic system, leading to reduced swelling, improved skin texture, and normalization of internal organ function. Additionally, massage improves joint mobility and increases muscle elasticity, helps with weight loss, and reduces body volume.


This is easy to explain. During physical manipulation of the body's tissues, the production of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine—known as "happiness hormones"—is activated. This contributes to improved emotional well-being, reduced nervousness, and decreased anxiety. The procedure positively impacts the nervous system, which is why it is recommended in situations of high emotional stress, frequent stress, and sleep problems.


The relaxation effect is due to manual manipulation of specific nerve-reflex zones, through which signals are transmitted to the central nervous system. These signals help reduce muscle tension, promote overall relaxation, and enhance brain function. In addition to its relaxing effects, it also increases the efficiency and resilience of the body to stress.


At the center in Warsaw, you can book sessions for:

  • Classical;
  • Honey;
  • Lymphatic;
  • Anti-cellulite;
  • Sports;
  • Preventive;
  • Relaxing.


Promotes physical health, provides relaxation, and elevates mood. Through a combination of active techniques like kneading, light tapping, and stroking, the functionality of the central nervous system is activated. This, in turn, normalizes the work of internal organs, reduces muscle tension, and alleviates pain.


The anti-cellulite honey massage provides a lymphatic drainage effect, improves skin elasticity, and contributes to rejuvenation. The tapping technique during the procedure stimulates metabolic processes and blood flow, which helps break down fat cells beneath the skin, activates the removal of toxins and excess fluid, and stimulates collagen production. As a result of the procedure, a reduction in volume, smoothing of cellulite, and improvement in skin color and texture can be observed. Additionally, the procedure helps eliminate fatigue, boosts mood through endorphin release, and enhances overall well-being.


This technique promotes lymphatic outflow, leading to the detoxification of the body by removing stagnant fluid. As a result, swelling decreases, the overall condition of the body improves, and the level of immune defense increases.


This highly effective method is used at the center to combat cellulite, shape the silhouette, and enhance skin elasticity. The massage can be either manual or performed with specialized equipment. In the manual technique, compressions and stretches are applied, activating blood circulation and lymphatic flow, thereby reducing swelling.

The equipment massage is conducted using specialized devices whose nozzles effectively break down subcutaneous fat deposits and smooth out the structure of connective tissues, thus eliminating unevenness and dimples on the skin. Anti-cellulite massage can be provided as a standalone service or as part of comprehensive weight loss programs. The main focus is on the most problematic areas—glutes, thighs, legs, and abdomen. The effectiveness of the method can be assessed through "Before and After" photographs displayed in the website gallery.


Sports massage is a highly effective method of physiotherapy designed to improve the physical performance of athletes and reduce the risk of injuries. This method provides:

  • Increased elasticity of muscle fibers.
  • Joint mobility.
  • Reduced feelings of fatigue and soreness after intense sports activities.

It is recommended to apply massage both before and after workouts, as well as as a means of quick recovery after injuries or surgeries. During the session, massage oils are not used to avoid interfering with deep tissue manipulation.


This method is used for both therapeutic purposes and to prevent various diseases. It is ideal for restoring the body after various injuries or surgical operations by activating regeneration processes and accelerating healing.

Patients often note positive changes in overall health after completing a full course: reduced muscle pain and spasms, as well as improved immune response to viral diseases. Additionally, this technique is effective in treating problems such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, and joint pain.


This type of massage is ideal for combating everyday stress, sleep issues, and negative emotions. It reduces anxiety and irritability, effectively relaxes, and elevates mood. Furthermore, the technique promotes improved function of internal organs, increases stress resistance, and enhances work efficiency.


The center offers both comprehensive full-body massage and targeted work on specific areas. For example, in a relaxing or classical massage, the neck and collar area, back, arms, and abdomen are usually addressed. In the case of anti-cellulite massage, the focus is on the thighs, glutes, legs, and abdomen.


In Warsaw, both manual massage and massage using equipment are conducted. The main difference between these methods lies in the depth of tissue penetration: machine-assisted massage can reach even the deep layers of the skin. However, both options are effective. Which one will be more suitable for a specific patient can be determined by the specialist after a personal consultation.


To facilitate hand movement, enhance the relaxing effect, and increase the efficiency of the massage, the center's specialists additionally use special massage oils. These oils not only moisturize but also tone and have a warming effect.

Moreover, the oils improve skin condition, making it firmer, more elastic, and softer. They can also help prevent stretch marks and reduce the visibility of cellulite.


  • Excess weight.
  • Manifestations of cellulite.
  • Back and joint pain.
  • Constant stress and nervousness.
  • Sleep disturbances.
  • Loss of skin elasticity and firmness.
  • Muscle pain and cramps.

The procedure is suitable for both men and women of all ages.


The main criteria for dosing any massage technique are intensity and depth of penetration. The specialist individually selects the type of massage based on the patient's problems, physiological characteristics, and expected results. The total duration of the session, including consultation, ranges from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours.

Detailed information on the cost of procedures is indicated in the table below, as well as in the "Prices" section of the website. The center also offers promotions for different types of massages, making sessions more accessible. If you want to learn more about the center’s promotions or book a session, feel free to contact the center by phone or visit us directly.

With us, you can feel not only beautiful but also healthy!

Time Massage Price
40 min Classic backs 160 zł
1 hour 10 min Classic general (whole body) 230 zł
40 min Lymphatic drainage back 160 zł
1 hour 10 min General lymphatic drainage (whole body) 230 zł
40 min Lymphatic drainage (lower part: abdomen, sides, buttocks, legs completely) 180 zł
1 hour 10 min General anti-cellulite (whole body) 230 zł
40 min Anti-cellulite (lower part: abdomen, sides, buttocks, legs completely) 180 zł
40 min Athletic backs 160 zł
1 hour 10 min General sports (whole body) 230 zł
40 min Relaxing back 160 zł
1 hour 10 min General relaxing (whole body) 230 zł
20 min Honey (problem areas: abdomen + sides / buttocks + back of the thigh / full thigh / shoulders / cervical and thoracic region) 135 zł/ 1 area
50 min Preventive back 160 zł
30 min Preventive (1 problem area - collar / lumbar area) 135 zł/ 1 area
1 hour 10 min Preventive general (whole body) 230 zł
Time Head massage Price
30 min Head massage 120 zł
  • The consultation is free of charge
  • The time is indicated taking into account the consultation

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Dear customers, there is a discount system of discounts in Laserhouse Centers!
Лазерхауз картка

Pay for a service over 200 PLN and get a personal «discount card».


The card is cumulative: the amount paid for each procedure is accumulated on your personal discount card.

For each paid zloty (services or cosmetics) 1 point is credited to the card. Points are credited only on presentation of the discount card.

When you accumulate 1000 points, you get a discount of 5%, then when you accumulate 3500 points, you get a discount of 10%. When you accumulate 5500 points, you get a maximum discount of 15%

The discount provided by the discount card is not summarized with other promotions and special offers of Laserhouse Centers.

Уважаемые клиенты, в Лазерхауз действует дисконтная система скидок!
Лазерхауз карточка

Оплатите услугу на сумму более 200 злотых и получите личную «дисконтную карту».


Карточка является накопительной, сумма, оплаченная за каждую процедуру, накапливается на вашу личную дисконтную карту.
За каждый оплаченный злотый (услуги или косметика) на карту начисляется 1 балл. Баллы зачисляются только при предъявлении дисконтной карты.

При накоплении 1000 баллов, Вы получаете скидку в размере 5%, далее при накоплении 3500 баллов, Вы получаете скидку в размере 10%. При накоплении 5500 баллов, Вы получаете максимальную скидку в размере 15%.

Скидка, предоставляемая по дисконтной карте, не суммируется с другими акциями и специальными предложениями Центров «Лазерхауз».