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Endosphere in Warsaw

    • До

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Endosphere is a modern method of body contouring and improving skin condition based on the Endospheres® Therapy technology developed in Italy. This method effectively combats localized fat deposits, eliminates cellulite, smooths the skin, reduces swelling, and increases its elasticity, as well as helps relieve the feeling of fatigue in the legs. The procedure is painless and does not cause bruising or other side effects. In Warsaw, this service is provided by the Laser Aesthetic Center "Laserhouse," where highly qualified professionals take care of your health and beauty, strictly adhering to all necessary standards and sanitary norms. The procedure is suitable for both women and men of all ages, and the first positive changes are visible after just one session.

What does Endosphere offer?

Endotherapy offers many advantages:

  • Gently acts on the skin without damaging it.
  • Completely comfortable during execution.
  • Does not negatively affect the body.
  • Excludes the appearance of bruises.
  • Does not require a long rehabilitation period.
  • Used for both facial correction and body improvement.
  • Suitable for people of various age categories.
  • Effective even in the later stages of cellulite when other methods do not help.
  • Provides a comprehensive effect.
  • Allergic reactions are excluded.

Advanced technique from Italy

The Italian Endospheres Therapy device is equipped with a special nozzle containing 50 hypoallergenic silicone balls that create gentle low-frequency vibrations in the area of impact. This eliminates significant discomfort for the patient and prevents the appearance of bruises. During the procedure, these vibrations effectively combat the main factors that cause cellulite, such as lymphostasis, excess water in the body, fat deposits, as well as loss of elasticity and skin tone.

Mechanism of action

During the procedure, the working part of the device applies light pressure to the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Endosphere massage is safe for the body. It promotes the breakdown of fat cells, activates metabolism and blood flow, strengthens the vascular system, and removes toxins and excess fluid.

The use of the Endosphere device addresses a wide range of issues, including:

  • Fat deposits in specific areas.
  • Excess weight.
  • Various forms of cellulite, including fibrous areas.
  • Loss of skin elasticity and sagging.
  • Unclear facial contours.
  • Stagnant swelling.

The Endosphere procedure is suitable for use on both the face and body and has no age restrictions. This technique can be beneficial not only for those looking to lose excess weight but also for those wanting to enhance the results of physical training.


What are the benefits of Endosphere for the face?

Endosphere helps optimize lymphatic circulation and activates the production of collagen and elastin. This leads to improved skin tone, reduced swelling, and strengthening and tightening of the skin covering. Additionally, the method makes facial contours more pronounced.

What does Endosphere do for the body?

The method based on the Endospheres Therapy device actively contributes to reducing fat deposits, leading to a decrease in body volume. It also optimizes lymphatic drainage, aiding in the removal of toxins and excess fluid from the body. The skin's relief becomes smoother, the manifestations of cellulite decrease, and the skin becomes firmer with improved tone. Endosphere is also beneficial for reducing muscle discomfort and fatigue in the legs after physical exertion and is an effective means of preventing varicose veins.

Endosphere: price in Warsaw

On this page, as well as in the general price list, you can find the prices for the Endosphere procedure in Warsaw. The cost varies depending on the area being treated: whether it's the face, the entire abdomen, or its upper or lower part. A preliminary consultation with a specialist is free of charge. If you have additional questions or wish to schedule a session, our specialists are ready to provide you with the necessary information by phone or through the form on the website.

What is the duration of the course?

On average, the course includes 10-12 procedures, 2-3 times a week. To maintain the effect, it is recommended to visit the procedure once a week on an ongoing basis.

Time Endospheres Intensive Price
45 min Whole body 715 zł
358 zł
35 min Lower part (full legs + buttocks + abdomen + flanks) 640 zł
320 zł
30-35 min Upper part (arms fully + back + lower back + abdomen + flanks) 640 zł
320 zł
Time Endospheres Classic Price
30 min Face 285 zł
143 zł
45 min Whole body 535 zł
268 zł
35 min Lower part (full legs + buttocks + abdomen + flanks) 465 zł
233 zł
30-35 min Upper part (arms fully + back + lower back + abdomen + flanks) 465 zł
233 zł
20 min Male breasts 180 zł
90 zł
  • The consultation is free of charge
  • The time is indicated without taking into account the consultation

Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Hair Removal:

❤️ On which zones (areas) is laser hair removal performed?

✨Does laser hair removal remove ingrown hairs?

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Work schedule from 9:00 - 21:00
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Dear customers, there is a discount system of discounts in Laserhouse Centers!
Лазерхауз картка

Pay for a service over 200 PLN and get a personal «discount card».


The card is cumulative: the amount paid for each procedure is accumulated on your personal discount card.

For each paid zloty (services or cosmetics) 1 point is credited to the card. Points are credited only on presentation of the discount card.

When you accumulate 1000 points, you get a discount of 5%, then when you accumulate 3500 points, you get a discount of 10%. When you accumulate 5500 points, you get a maximum discount of 15%

The discount provided by the discount card is not summarized with other promotions and special offers of Laserhouse Centers.

Уважаемые клиенты, в Лазерхауз действует дисконтная система скидок!
Лазерхауз карточка

Оплатите услугу на сумму более 200 злотых и получите личную «дисконтную карту».


Карточка является накопительной, сумма, оплаченная за каждую процедуру, накапливается на вашу личную дисконтную карту.
За каждый оплаченный злотый (услуги или косметика) на карту начисляется 1 балл. Баллы зачисляются только при предъявлении дисконтной карты.

При накоплении 1000 баллов, Вы получаете скидку в размере 5%, далее при накоплении 3500 баллов, Вы получаете скидку в размере 10%. При накоплении 5500 баллов, Вы получаете максимальную скидку в размере 15%.

Скидка, предоставляемая по дисконтной карте, не суммируется с другими акциями и специальными предложениями Центров «Лазерхауз».