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VIP cleaning by Zein Obagi in Warsaw

The skin is the most important indicator of the overall state of the body. It is the first to signal the presence of diseases of internal organs, disturbances in the endocrine and hormonal systems. It also reflects the impact of poor nutrition, chronic stress, lack of sleep, and any damage. Harmful environmental factors can also cause the appearance of wrinkles, dehydration, loss of tone, and dull skin color.

While home care can help maintain the skin in good condition, it is not always capable of dealing with age-related changes and other cosmetic problems. To restore the health and beauty of the skin, it is recommended to seek professional help. VIP facial cleansing is performed by certified cosmetologists at the Laserhouse Laser Cosmetic Center in Warsaw and can help achieve the desired results.


The VIP cleansing technology is based on the use of active ingredients in cosmeceuticals that positively affect the skin. We use products containing plant-derived stem cells, peptides, and antioxidants that are essential for skin health. The effectiveness of the procedure is determined by a comprehensive approach, which includes mechanical removal of impurities, as well as the use of cosmetic products:

  1. Acidic facial peeling stimulates collagen and elastin production, while a brightening scrub contains microscopic magnesium crystals that improve blood circulation and restore the skin's surface texture.
  2. An antiseptic mask reduces inflammatory processes and normalizes sebum production.
  3. The regenerating cream contains vitamins, hyaluronic acid, and retinol – an important vitamin for preserving youthful skin. It provides deep hydration and stimulates regeneration processes, contributing to faster skin recovery after cleansing.


VIP cleansing in Warsaw is considered a fast and effective way to restore the skin. It is based on the use of the popular Zein Obagi cosmeceuticals, recognized worldwide as the safest and most effective (proven by numerous clinical studies and trials). Additionally, this method has other advantages, such as: complete painlessness and safety of the procedure, applicability for all skin types, short duration of the session, high effectiveness, long-lasting results, no need for complex preparation, and a short recovery period.


VIP facial cleansing is recommended in the following cases:

  • Presence of individual inflammatory elements;
  • Enlarged pores and excessive sebum production;
  • Wrinkles;
  • Hyperpigmentation;
  • Reduced turgor and elasticity, sagging skin;
  • Uneven and dull complexion.


In Warsaw, high-quality cosmeceuticals from Zein Obagi, which have FDA quality certification, are used for facial cleansing procedures. These products can address aesthetic problems at the cellular level and include the following:

Cleansing gel that effectively removes makeup and impurities.

  1. Exfoliating scrub with magnesium crystals.
  2. Lactic acid-based activating gel.
  3. Pre-peeling lotion containing kojic acid and plant extracts.
  4. Stimulation Peel containing salicylic, lemon, and lactic acids, which effectively combats hyperpigmentation and stimulates collagen and elastin fiber synthesis.
  5. Hydrating gel with softening properties.
  6. Antiseptic mask with fruit enzymes, sulfur, and vitamin B that normalizes pH levels, reduces inflammation, cleanses and tightens pores, and regulates sebum production.
  7. Cream containing hyaluronic acid, retinol, jojoba and oat essential oils, as well as vitamins C and E. It has brightening, moisturizing, and antioxidant effects and effectively combats age-related changes and skin aging.


Before starting the VIP facial cleansing procedure, the specialist conducts a consultation with the patient. At this stage, possible contraindications are excluded, and the main problems and skin type are determined. After this, the cleansing is performed:

  1. Cleaning the skin of sebum, surface impurities, and makeup residues.
  2. Removal of the keratinized layer of the epidermis using a scrub with abrasive particles (magnesium crystals).
  3. Application of a special gel with lactic acid extract, which helps more effectively remove dead cells.
  4. Application of a lotion with plant extracts that has brightening and antibacterial effects.
  5. Application of acid peeling and neutralizer.
  6. Application of a vaporizer gel that softens sebaceous plugs and facilitates their removal.
  7. Manual facial cleansing using a Uno spoon.
  8. Treatment of the face with Chlorhexidine.
  9. Use of an antiseptic mask with fruit acids and vitamin B.
  10. Application of a regenerating cream and sunscreen.


After the VIP facial cleansing session, the following positive results become noticeable:

  • The face acquires a more even tone and a healthy flush;
  • The skin becomes smooth and silky to the touch, its texture is evened out;
  • Pigment spots lighten;
  • Oily shine disappears, and sebum regulation normalizes;
  • Enlarged pores become less noticeable;
  • The number of rashes and inflammations decreases;
  • The skin becomes more resilient and elastic.


The cost of the VIP facial cleansing procedure depends on the size of the treated area. All necessary sterile instruments and therapeutic cosmeceuticals are already included in the price. A consultation with a cosmetologist is provided free of charge. A detailed price list can be found on the current page or in the "Prices" section of the website.

Time VIP-cleaning ZO Skin Health by Zein Obagi Price
1 hour 40 min Vip cleaning with ZO cosmetics (face)
650 zł
2 hours Vip cleaning with ZO cosmetics (back) 1070 zł
  • The consultation is free of charge
  • The time is indicated taking into account the consultation

Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Hair Removal:

❤️ On which zones (areas) is laser hair removal performed?

✨Does laser hair removal remove ingrown hairs?

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Dear customers, there is a discount system of discounts in Laserhouse Centers!
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Pay for a service over 200 PLN and get a personal «discount card».


The card is cumulative: the amount paid for each procedure is accumulated on your personal discount card.

For each paid zloty (services or cosmetics) 1 point is credited to the card. Points are credited only on presentation of the discount card.

When you accumulate 1000 points, you get a discount of 5%, then when you accumulate 3500 points, you get a discount of 10%. When you accumulate 5500 points, you get a maximum discount of 15%

The discount provided by the discount card is not summarized with other promotions and special offers of Laserhouse Centers.

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Оплатите услугу на сумму более 200 злотых и получите личную «дисконтную карту».


Карточка является накопительной, сумма, оплаченная за каждую процедуру, накапливается на вашу личную дисконтную карту.
За каждый оплаченный злотый (услуги или косметика) на карту начисляется 1 балл. Баллы зачисляются только при предъявлении дисконтной карты.

При накоплении 1000 баллов, Вы получаете скидку в размере 5%, далее при накоплении 3500 баллов, Вы получаете скидку в размере 10%. При накоплении 5500 баллов, Вы получаете максимальную скидку в размере 15%.

Скидка, предоставляемая по дисконтной карте, не суммируется с другими акциями и специальными предложениями Центров «Лазерхауз».