Work schedule from 9:00 - 21:00
without breaks and weekends

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ul. Gizów 3, 01-249 (Wola)

ul. Orzycka 6, 02-695 (Mokotów)

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    From March 7 to 9


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    FOR A NEW CLIENT! Discount for laser hair removal
    «Gold Standard»
    to the client on the first visit

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Laserhouse philosophy


Every day we are getting stronger, making our patients' dreams come true and giving them youth and beauty. Despite all the obstacles, we continue to work and help Ukraine! Laser House is one of the most famous brands of laser and aesthetic cosmetology in the country. This is a long-term trust that allowed us to do the once unrealistic - to open a center in a new country for us, namely Poland. We believe that this is just the beginning of a new story!

The world of beauty is what we live for! We help each patient to be young and well-groomed without surgery. Our specialists use only the best laser, cosmetic, hardware and injection techniques to achieve the desired result. All efforts of Laser House are aimed at achieving the maximum effect of the procedures and comfort for the patient!


When you start any business, you always choose a path. The path chosen by us is quite thorny. For 16 years of hard work we have grown from a small laser hair removal center in Kiev to a large network of full-fledged centers of laser and aesthetic cosmetology throughout Ukraine, which has more than 71 branches. Thousands of patients entrust their beauty to us, and we always try to provide them only the most qualitative and effective. That is why Laserhouse Center uses the equipment of the best world manufacturers, which is recognized as the “Gold Standard” all over the world.

With more than 71 branches in many cities across the country, we are trusted and chosen, which is why LaserHouse is expanding rapidly.

Innovative equipment from global manufacturers and the best cosmeceuticals of well-known brands available in our Centers prove that we use only the highest quality and most effective products. The employees of each of the company's divisions place great emphasis on the quality and convenience of service, starting with the patient's appointment for the procedure.

Every day we work to improve our services individually to meet the needs of each patient. And now we are moving to a new format, namely the opening of new borders - Laser House Centers in Poland! This is a small victory that brings us closer to the most important victory and the rebuilding of Ukraine's economy.


Our specialists are true professionals in their field. We choose only the best to join our team, help them improve their skills and gain new experience. Dozens of proprietary techniques that have won the hearts of many patients are successfully used in Laser House centers throughout Ukraine.

In Ukraine, we are the only ones who provide training in laser hair removal using Lumenis Light Sheer diode lasers. Our specialists undergo preliminary training, specialized seminars and specialized master classes, so each employee of our company is attentive to each patient and finds a personal approach.

Our team is made up of people who love what they do and have devoted a large part of their lives to Laserhouse!


The modern beauty market is quite diverse. We respect our competitors and cooperate with many brands, because our common mission is to give beauty and aesthetics! An individual approach to each patient, each problem, and each wish is the basis of Laser House's success story. This is the basis of the trust of customers who come back again and again.

Our many years of experience, skilled approach and professional team take the company to a new level - now we are in Krakow, opening new frontiers!

Thank you for being with us! For trusting us and choosing Laserhouse!

Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Hair Removal:

❤️ On which zones (areas) is laser hair removal performed?

✨Does laser hair removal remove ingrown hairs?

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Work schedule from 9:00 - 21:00
without breaks and weekends

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You can pay for any service by simply filling out the required fields and clicking on the button "Pay". After making the payment, our operator will contact you to confirm the operation. Payment The card is absolutely safe and is carried out on the website of the Platon payment system.

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You can leave us your phone number and we will call you back as soon as possible or at a time you specify

Online entry

You will only be booked for the procedure after a call back from the operator!

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ATTANTION You will only be booked for the procedure after a call back from the operator!
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Dear customers, there is a discount system of discounts in Laserhouse Centers!
Лазерхауз картка

Pay for a service over 200 PLN and get a personal «discount card».


The card is cumulative: the amount paid for each procedure is accumulated on your personal discount card.

For each paid zloty (services or cosmetics) 1 point is credited to the card. Points are credited only on presentation of the discount card.

When you accumulate 1000 points, you get a discount of 5%, then when you accumulate 3500 points, you get a discount of 10%. When you accumulate 5500 points, you get a maximum discount of 15%

The discount provided by the discount card is not summarized with other promotions and special offers of Laserhouse Centers.

Уважаемые клиенты, в Лазерхауз действует дисконтная система скидок!
Лазерхауз карточка

Оплатите услугу на сумму более 200 злотых и получите личную «дисконтную карту».


Карточка является накопительной, сумма, оплаченная за каждую процедуру, накапливается на вашу личную дисконтную карту.
За каждый оплаченный злотый (услуги или косметика) на карту начисляется 1 балл. Баллы зачисляются только при предъявлении дисконтной карты.

При накоплении 1000 баллов, Вы получаете скидку в размере 5%, далее при накоплении 3500 баллов, Вы получаете скидку в размере 10%. При накоплении 5500 баллов, Вы получаете максимальную скидку в размере 15%.

Скидка, предоставляемая по дисконтной карте, не суммируется с другими акциями и специальными предложениями Центров «Лазерхауз».