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Online consultation with an endocrinologist and nutritionist in Warsaw


Very often, issues with the quality of our skin can cause physical and psychological discomfort, especially with excess weight, rashes, pigmentation, or rosacea. We often mistakenly believe that these problems are caused solely by improper self-care, lack of physical activity, or an unhealthy lifestyle. However, few realize that the cause may lie in the condition of our endocrine system, which regulates all bodily functions and immunity.

In case of such problems, it is recommended to consult an endocrinologist-dietitian. At the Laser Cosmetic Center "Laserhouse" in Warsaw, patients have a unique opportunity to receive an online consultation from an experienced endocrinologist-dietitian. During the consultation, the doctor will listen carefully to all your wishes, thoroughly analyze your medical history and available tests, and if necessary, prescribe additional examinations or treatments.

In Warsaw, the appointment is conducted by an endocrinologist who is also a qualified dietitian. He will help you adjust your diet by developing an individual meal plan considering your lifestyle and overall health. The main advantage is the ability to receive all this right from home, in a comfortable environment!


An endocrinologist-dietitian is a specialist in rational and balanced nutrition, creating specially tailored diets for treating disorders of the endocrine and digestive systems, as well as nutrition after surgical interventions. The dietary regime is prescribed by the endocrinologist-dietitian based on the diseases identified in the patient, their age, and lifestyle.

Consultation with this doctor is recommended not only in cases of suspected metabolic disorders, such as issues with conception or obesity, but also when skin diseases are identified.

For patients suffering from excess weight and hormonal imbalances, the consultation will also be beneficial. The online endocrinologist-dietitian conducts comprehensive diagnostics and treatment of issues related to the endocrine system and identifies disorders in the functioning of internal glands, developing an individual treatment plan.


An online consultation with the endocrinologist-dietitian at the Center is recommended for patients who face the following issues:

  • Uneven skin pigmentation.
  • Rosacea.
  • Rashes on the face and body.
  • Excess weight.
  • The presence of cellulite.
  • Acne.
  • General malaise, fatigue.

If necessary, the endocrinologist may recommend medications for weight loss, but only after conducting the required tests and gathering history.


To conduct an online consultation with an endocrinologist-dietitian, you will only need a smartphone with internet access. To schedule a session, simply leave a request on the website, providing your contact phone number, or call the provided number. Registration for the consultation is made after prepayment, which can be done in a convenient way of your choice. After payment, you will receive a link to join at the appointed time.

The duration of the initial online consultation is 60 minutes. If necessary, the Center also offers the opportunity to consult other specialists with narrow expertise, such as a trichologist, dermatologist, cosmetologist, and gynecologist.


After scheduling an online consultation with an endocrinologist-dietitian at the "Laserhouse" Center, you will receive the following privileges:

  • A guaranteed consultation from a highly qualified specialist with extensive experience in treatment.
  • An individual and comprehensive approach to solving your specific problem.
  • Answers to all your questions.
  • A convenient online consultation format that allows you to receive help without leaving home or the office.
  • Ongoing informational support from the Center's specialists.
  • The "Laserhouse" Center uses only advanced treatment methods for patients.

If you are experiencing issues with skin rashes, pigmentation, rosacea, acne, excess weight, or cellulite, this consultation is perfect for you.


For detailed information about the cost of the online consultation, please refer to the table below or the "Prices" section on our website. Please note that additional tests and examinations prescribed by the doctor are charged separately. To schedule an online consultation, call the contact number provided at the top of the website or fill out the feedback form. Information about current promotions and other advantageous offers from the Center can be found in the "Promotions" section. Don't postpone solving your problems—get help today!

Time Consultation with an endocrinologist-dietitologist Price
60 min Consultation with an endocrinologist-dietitologist 115 zł
40 min Re-consultation with an endocrinologist-dietitian up to 3 months of age 85 zł

Diet for 1 week (developed up to 5 days)

140 zł

Diet for 3 weeks (developed up to 5 days)

290 zł
  • Important: Consultation with a specialist is conducted in Ukrainian only
  • The duration of the procedure is indicated taking into account the consultation

Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Hair Removal:

❤️ On which zones (areas) is laser hair removal performed?

✨Does laser hair removal remove ingrown hairs?

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Work schedule from 9:00 - 21:00
without breaks and weekends

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Dear customers, there is a discount system of discounts in Laserhouse Centers!
Лазерхауз картка

Pay for a service over 200 PLN and get a personal «discount card».


The card is cumulative: the amount paid for each procedure is accumulated on your personal discount card.

For each paid zloty (services or cosmetics) 1 point is credited to the card. Points are credited only on presentation of the discount card.

When you accumulate 1000 points, you get a discount of 5%, then when you accumulate 3500 points, you get a discount of 10%. When you accumulate 5500 points, you get a maximum discount of 15%

The discount provided by the discount card is not summarized with other promotions and special offers of Laserhouse Centers.

Уважаемые клиенты, в Лазерхауз действует дисконтная система скидок!
Лазерхауз карточка

Оплатите услугу на сумму более 200 злотых и получите личную «дисконтную карту».


Карточка является накопительной, сумма, оплаченная за каждую процедуру, накапливается на вашу личную дисконтную карту.
За каждый оплаченный злотый (услуги или косметика) на карту начисляется 1 балл. Баллы зачисляются только при предъявлении дисконтной карты.

При накоплении 1000 баллов, Вы получаете скидку в размере 5%, далее при накоплении 3500 баллов, Вы получаете скидку в размере 10%. При накоплении 5500 баллов, Вы получаете максимальную скидку в размере 15%.

Скидка, предоставляемая по дисконтной карте, не суммируется с другими акциями и специальными предложениями Центров «Лазерхауз».