5 powodów, aby skorzystać z masażu twarzy w Warszawie

Facial massage is experiencing a peak in popularity today, especially among those who prefer non-invasive methods of care. What was once perceived as an afterthought or optional procedure has now become a fashion trend. Massage helps to improve the facial contour, emphasize cheekbones, give the skin a natural glow and benefits the entire body. It increases blood and lymphatic circulation and promotes the production of “happy hormones,” providing an overall sense of well-being.
Reason #1. Premature skin aging
Stresses, fatigue, disrupted sleep patterns, unbalanced diet, sedentary lifestyle or even improper skin care - and of course, endless work chats.
All these factors cause internal imbalances that manifest themselves on the skin: wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, dull complexion, enlarged pores and decreased tone. Constant stress on the body affects our face and becomes the main cause of premature aging.
During the massage, metabolic processes in the tissues are activated, their nutrition and oxygenation are improved. This optimizes skin and muscle functions, slowing down the aging process. Massage is an excellent prevention of age-related changes, allowing you to keep your skin young and fresh.
Reason #2. Swelling
If in youth swelling on the face and under the eyes passes quickly and does not significantly affect the appearance and mood, then with age the problem becomes much more noticeable and causes a lot of inconvenience.
Fortunately, to help in the fight against swelling comes massage with the use of lymphatic drainage techniques. The essence of the technique is to direct the flow of lymph towards the lymph nodes. In the role of heavy artillery are various gadgets: from classic rollers and plates gua-sha to popular devices that can be used even at home.
Reason #3. Reduced skin tone
Overall vitality and skin condition are closely linked, and facial massage can help improve both. As we age, the facial oval loses its definition and the skin begins to sag. To quickly restore tone, experts recommend a combination of manual massage (including lymphatic drainage, myofascial and sculpting techniques) and modern myostimulation.
Massage promotes the active production of collagen and elastin. After working through the mimic muscles, which are attached to the skin at one end, come to normatonus, tighten like strings and tighten the skin. The result is a lifting effect: a clear oval, firm and smooth skin.
Cause #4. Bruxism and spasms of the chewing muscles
Bruxism is a common problem that often occurs against the background of stress and overwork. It is provoked by fatigue, anxiety and chronic overstrain. Chewing muscles are in a state of hypertonus, which causes their excessive contraction. This leads to muscle spasms and, at night, to involuntary jaw clenching. In addition to the general negative effects of stress on the body, bruxism can cause the destruction of tooth enamel and jaw joint pain.
Facial massage helps not only to relax the muscles, but also to restore emotional balance, having a favorable effect on the central nervous system. The pain syndrome goes away, there is a pleasant feeling of warmth and significantly improves overall health.
Reason #5. Skin regeneration
Regeneration is the key process of skin repair through cell renewal. Regular massage stimulates collagen production and promotes the removal of keratinized cells. The workshop believes that this allows the skin to “breathe” and better absorb active ingredients from care products.
During the massage, the natural exfoliation process is intensified. Mechanical and vibration effects occur, collagen and elastin fibers are activated, regeneration processes are accelerated. As a result, the skin acquires an even tone and glows from within.
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